Tips to Get Staff to Enter Their Time into a Job Management System

24 May 2024

Accurate time tracking is absolutely essential for effective project management, billing accuracy, and productivity analysis, however it can easily be overlooked by staff.

Encouraging your team to consistently enter their timesheets into a system can be challenging but achievable with the right approach.

Here are some tips to help you get your staff on board:

Make It Easy and Accessible

Simplify the process as much as possible. Choose a job management system with a user-friendly interface and give clear instructions on how to enter their time on their chosen device. The easier and quicker it is for staff to enter their time, the more likely they are to do it consistently.

Provide Training and Support

Ensure your team understands how to use the system. Offer training sessions when introducing the system and provide ongoing support. Answer questions promptly, and consider having a go-to person for any time tracking issues.

Set Clear Expectations

Clearly communicate your expectations around time entry. Whether you expect entries to be made daily, weekly, or in real-time, make sure everyone is on the same page. Explain how it impacts project timelines, client billing, and overall business operations.

Communicate the Benefits

Help your staff understand the benefits of accurate time tracking, not just for the company, but for them personally. Explain how it can lead to better project management, more accurate billing, and potentially higher profits which can translate into bonuses or other benefits for the team.

Use Incentives

Consider implementing an incentive program to encourage timely and accurate entries. This could be in the form of gift cards, recognition in team meetings, or even a points system that leads to larger rewards.

Automate Where Possible

Leverage the automation features of your job management system. Automated reminders and prompts can nudge staff to enter their time without you having to chase them. Additionally, integrating the time tracking system with other tools your team uses can streamline the process.

Monitor and Follow Up

Regularly monitor time entries to ensure compliance. If someone consistently misses entries, have a one-on-one conversation to understand the obstacles they’re facing and work together to find a solution.

Promote Frequency

Tracking time more frequently, either daily or in real-time, can both help to improve the accuracy of reporting, and also prevent the task from potentially not being recorded.

Gather Feedback

Continuously seek feedback from your staff on how the time tracking process can be improved. This not only helps in refining the system but also makes employees feel valued and heard.

Highlight Successes

Share stories of how accurate time tracking has positively impacted the business. Whether it's a project that came in under budget or a client praising your detailed invoicing, highlighting these successes can motivate your team to stay diligent with their time entries.

Getting your staff to consistently enter their time into your job management system can be achieved using clear communication, user-friendly tools, and ongoing support. By making the process as simple and as beneficial as possible you can foster a culture where accurate time tracking is a valued and routine part of the workflow.

For more information on how to streamline your time tracking process or assistance with setting up your job management system, feel free to get in touch with us. We're here to help.
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