How do you pay a bonus in Xero and manage the tax correctly?
If you pay a bonus in Xero you need to make sure the correct tax is deducted.
· Check if there is a Bonus Paycode set up.
· Go to Payroll Settings / Pay Items
· If not, click on Add on far right. Select Other Gross Earnings.
· Enter a name for the ‘Bonus’
· Click on the Rate Type and select ‘Fixed Amount’. Enter an amount if you wish
· Select an expense code that you want that bonus to go to in Xero > Add
· Create a pay run if you are paying ordinary hours as well or an unscheduled pay run if you are just paying the bonus.
· Click Add on the right to add the Bonus earnings type
· Enter 1 as the hours then enter the amount of the bonus in the rate field
· Click into the Edit Tax Settings and change the Lump Sum Tax Code to the correct code based on your employee’s annual earnings including the bonus- see below. Enter the bonus amount in the Lump Sum Amount field.
SB up to $14,000
S $14,001 to $48,000
SH $48,001 to $70,000
ST $70,001 to $180,000
SA over $180,000
Apply, and process the pay as normal.